"Broken Heart" photo-call at Shire Hall this Weds (Valentines Day)
Join us to hand in No Public Confidence petition
We have neither forgotten nor given up. We know that if GCC listens to the public it makes better decisions (it dropped fracking from the minerals plan recently after public intervention). Let's remind our representatives that we will not be ignored.
Join us at 9.30am this Wednesday 14th Feb at Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester
Facebook event link HERE
for a photo moment before the handing in of a 1000+ signature "broken heart" petition: No Public Confidence in Glos County Council. Come into the meeting after - petitions are at the beginning so won't take long for the big-broken-heart hand-in...
Petition calls for GCC to "admit its failings and work to address them, including by:
1. Spending public money to benefit the community, not private contractors;
2. Making a stronger commitment to ensure transparency and accountability; and
3. Looking for and finding a fresh approach to waste management.
If GCC is unwilling or unable to implement the necessary changes then we, the undersigned, believe that the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government should use his powers of intervention to place Gloucestershire County Council in Special Measures."
Bring your friends - and a broken heart banner!
See you there.