Join us!
If you would like to support ongoing resistance to incineration here in Gloucestershire, here are a few ideas, but feel free to improvise - just CONTACT US to let us know what you can offer... it will always be more useful than you think!
- Organize a "media moment" at the Javelin Park site by gathering a group together of those folk you hang out with - teachers, farmers, knitters, bikers, DJs, mothers... showing the breadth of resistance is always useful
- Let us know how mischievous you want to get - willingness to cross the line into civil disobedience has an honourable tradition from the suffragettes to Gandhi...
- Leaflet your street or neighbourhood
- Keep your eye on relevant news stories and LET US KNOW - it all helps keep folk up to date
- Write to your local elected representative (district and county councillors, MPs) to let them know you still object to incineration - you can do this HERE
- Write to the press - for example, to express your incredulity that this project is being pushed through at the expense of other local services that you care about.
Thanks and an invitation
The following people have already contributed or offered to contribute to this website, for which much thanks: John Playfoot (photography), James Milroy (cartoons), Paul Halas & Jo Abbott (writing). We would love to feature writing from the wider community so if you feel like submitting a piece for the blog, with or without images, we'd love to hear from you.