19th April 2017 - County Council elections in TWO WEEKS - useful information

Elections galore

It seems the entire country is in for an interesting time politically over the next few weeks with the snap general election in June just called by Theresa May.

But in the meantime County Council elections are approaching fast - on the 4th May.  That's in just 2 weeks.  You can find a list of candidates standing in your division (locality) here - if you click on a name you will see their postal address (also email and tel for current councillors):
List of candidates by division
[NB links repeated at bottom of this mail]
If you're not sure which division you are in, you can find out by entering your postcode here - your division will be the locality immediately mentioned under Your County Councillor:
Find your division
The same link will allow you to write to your current councillor to tell them what we now know about the Javelin Park contract.  
Useful materials   [NB links are to print quality PDFs - allow a few seconds to load]
Community R4C has condensed its legal and financial report on the contract into a 2-page briefing for all candidates, as well as an even simpler flyer which you can use to inform locals or question candidates (these can also be displayed as posters in the window of your house, car or business):
2-page briefing 
"Cancel contract and release £4.7m/year" flyer (front & back)

If you would like to distribute these flyers in your area, please contact admin@communityr4c.com.
As the judge said...

The Freedom of Information tribunal ruling from His Honour Judge Shanks said: "there was a significant public interest in the disclosure of the entire contract, in the interests both of transparency and accountability, ie to enable the public to be informed as to exactly what the Council had agreed on their behalf and its long-term consequences and to hold it properly to account, in particular through Council elections”.
There is still everything to play for.  It's time for all of us to play.


List of candidates by division - http://glostext.gloucestershire.gov.uk/mgElectionElectionAreaResults.aspx?Page=all&EID=9&RPID=36453555

Find your electoral division - https://www.writetothem.com/?a=council

Community R4C Candidate Briefing - http://bit.ly/2oKg0KD
Community R4C Flyer Front - http://bit.ly/2p8k3kL
Community R4C Flyer Back - http://bit.ly/2priM5p
Full CR4C report is also available here - http://communityr4c.com/more-info/document-archive

Jojo Mehta