5th December 2016 - Motion 783: a genuine shot at transparency - ACT NOW

STOP PRESS!  A fantastic opportunity...

The Gloucestershire County Council meeting this Wednesday 7th December has a motion on its agenda that, if passed, will oblige the Council to fully disclose its public contracts in future [1].  This is in line with government-approved Open Contracting Global Principles and has cross-party support.

If Motion 783 is passed, the public in Gloucestershire will in future have proper scrutiny of council contracting, whether it is for health services, social care or waste disposal. The fiasco we have witnessed with the Javelin Park contract need never be repeated.  I hope you'll agree that this would be fantastic. (As you read this I am in London sitting through the final day of the court hearing regarding the Freedom of Information case - and wouldn't it be wonderful if no-one had to do this again.)

However there are still some councillors who are sitting on the fence on this issue, particularly those in the Conservative camp. 

Can you email your County Councillor TODAY to ask them to support Motion 783 on Open Contracting this Wednesday?  This will be particularly useful in Conservative-held wards, but all communications will show how strongly the public feels.


I believe that regardless of your particular stance on the incinerator project, you signed the Come Clean petition because you believe that transparency in government is important.

There is no need to mention Javelin Park - in fact it's probably better not to as incinerator discussion at GCC is clearly split along party lines.  This motion, however, is about overall transparency which is sorely needed in all departments and at all levels of government.

Please join me in taking action today, so that by Wednesday our representatives will be in no doubt that we want proper transparency in how our money is spent.


Thanks for caring and for taking action.

[1] http://glostext.gloucestershire.gov.uk/mgAi.aspx?ID=14832

Jojo Mehta