7th August 2017 - BBC Today: building incinerators is BAD for recycling. Story opportunity!

Building incinerators bad for recycling - on Radio 4 Today

The issue of incineration hit Radio 4 this morning - see Today programme (go to 2hrs and 7 minutes). [1]  The head of major consultancy Eunomia is reported as saying that new incinerators... will undermine the UK's stated ambition to recycle more rubbish. [2]  The online version of the article even links to our recent protest at the bottom! [3]

Seize the moment... right now if you can!

It's important to capitalize on this moment of national attention.

Please click here to contact the BBC

referencing the Today story and telling them that the Gloucestershire incinerator scandal needs attention. [4] 

You can tweet, email or text or fill in their form.  Suggestions:

1. Link to any/all of the following:


This aspect is of particular significance.  Because the contract pricing was hidden behind "commercial confidentiality", we taxpayers could not see the vast waste of our money and prevention of healthier alternatives it created.  This secrecy has 

  • been judged severely by an information tribunal ruling which has implications for public contracts across the UK
  • meant that works were commenced at Javelin Park under false pretences

please click here to contact the BBC

The more of us writing in, the more likelihood the spotlight could swing this way...

The Javelin Park project is like a colander - it has so many holes that it is only a matter of time before it no longer holds water.  Let's keep it leaking...

Thanks for taking action!  


[1] http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08zzljt#play 

[2] you may remember Eunomia's Mike Brown already told us this at Community R4C's event Talking Rubbish http://communityr4c.com/videos

[3] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-40831628

[4] BBC Have Your Say - how to contact http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10725415


Jojo Mehta