20th August 2017 - Sofa party NOW! Peacefully occupying Javelin Park entrance

I write this today Sunday 20th Aug from a sofa outside Javelin Park where we have stationed two vehicles across the gates and made it impossible to take vehicles in or out. 

We are not on public land and police have been friendly and courteous and are leaving us to it. It's a peaceful party vibe (in fact one of us even has a birthday today) and all are welcome to join us. We have made a cosy home from home and intend to stay a while...

Drop by, bring us some cake and sandwiches, a camping chair, some music for the stereo, have a sofa session and tell the world your reasons for objecting to this huge and terrible toxic waste of public money!. 

Check out "cancel the CONtract" Facebook page for updates and look forward to seeing you here!

Jojo Mehta