Moratorium on new incinerators - Early Day Motion in Parliament


There is now more committed incineration capacity than genuinely residual waste to burn, so it is vital that we stop building more incinerators in the UK. The emissions, the impact on climate change, the harm to recycling and the fact it simply isn't needed all make incineration an expensive folly that we can ill afford.

UKWIN is embarking on our most ambitious campaign yet! We are asking for your help. Please write to your MP asking them to support the call for a moratorium on new incineration capacity via and spread the word amongst your networks. 

The UKWIN web page contains the wording of the proposed Early Day Motion (EDM) to be tabled at Parliament and four briefing documents that support the Motion, as well as a template you can use to e-mail your MP.

Thank you for your support!

Yours sincerely,
Shlomo Dowen

Jojo Mehta